
The Adventure Begins...

Today is my first day at home, starting my new life as a *gasp* homemaker!  (Yesterday would have been, technically, but it was a snow day for Mr. J and for those at my old job, so it didn't feel like it counted to me.)

While Mr. J and I were discussing the options for our family, it gave me a lot of time to think about what I would do if I were to stay home and care for our home and Baby J.  I would cook and clean, of course, but there was more to it than that.  I would give myself guidelines, "Mommy Rules," if you will, to ensure that I didn't feel listless in my new life, and I would write.  So, I've created this blog as an outlet for my creativity and to share all the things I am doing and learning in this new endeavor.  So!  What will be the topic of my first run of posts?  My self-penned rules of course!

Guidelines for a Stay-Homer's Sanity
-Disclaimer:  These are *Geoffrey Rush's Barbosa voice* "more guidelines than actual rules" and they are what I think will work best for our family.  Every family is different and so take these with a proverbial grain of salt.  To each mommy their own!-

Routines are sooooo important!  People will tell you all the time how essential they are for the little ones (and having taught pre-school for 7+ years, I can not stress how true this is), but not everyone realizes how important they are for mommies and daddies too!

When you're coming from a very structured daily work routine into the more relaxed atmosphere at home like I am, it's easy to forget to have or stick to a schedule when you "don't have to be anywhere," but keeping a daily routine can help ease the transition into the homemaking lifestyle.  It will keep you engaged in daily activities and helps make sure you complete all those little daily tasks that keep your home and family running smoothly (unloading the dishwasher in the morning so that all your dishes for the day can go right in rather than accumulating on the counter/in the sink or doing a load of laundry here and there rather than battling the entire week's worth all in one day).

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