As promised way back in Rule #1 (and again in Rule #3). Here is a sample of my tentative daily schedule:
Family Activities
My Background tasks
Wake-up (about 7 a.m.)
Get Baby up, changed, etc.
Playtime for Baby
Mr. leaves for the morning
Unload the dishwasher
Make a quick breakfast for Mr. J
(not required, but nice when there’s actually time for it)
More playtime
Morning Nap (Roughly 9-11 a.m.)
Quick work out
Shower and dress
Throw in a load of laundry
Clean up any breakfast dishes/wipe down table, highchair,
floor, etc.
After wake-up: Dress Baby for the day
Complete any necessary prep work for lunch
Get Baby’s lunch ready
Lunchtime for Baby
Afternoon Nap (Roughly 2-4 p.m.)
Mr. returns from work
Switch laundry
Complete lunch for Mr. and I
Enjoy a meal together
Nap?!?!? (when possible, recharge!)
Playtime for Baby and Mr.
Clean-a-room (see below)
Suppertime for Baby
Mr. leaves for the evening
Put baby to bed for the night (about 8 p.m.)
Fold/Put away laundry
Prepare supper
Reload the dishwasher
Finish supper
Complete any extra tasks (make baby food, put away
groceries, etc.)
Mr. returns from work
Supper/Downtime with Mr.
(For those of you reading through this and wondering what the hell is up with Mr. J's arrival and departure times: The J Family has been running a family dairy farm for four generations, so he works during the morning and evening milkings with several hours off in between in the afternoon.)
| Bathroom - Laundry: Baby's clothes, bedding |
Living Room - Laundry: Bedding
Wednesday |
Baby's Bedroom, Hallway - Laundry: Mr.'s Work Clothes
Thursday | |
Friday |
Bedroom - Laundry: Mrs.' Clothes
No Work on Saturday!!
Sunday |
Errand Day - Laundry: Mr.'s Work Clothes
A few items of note:
-I did not try to put any specific time labels on any tasks (except for the wake-up/nap/bedtimes for Baby J, which we try to keep as consistent as possible, or at least we keep the going down times consistent. The wake-up times (especially the unfortunate 7 a.m. wake up!) are all up to him and we are just along for the ride!) The day is simply too fluid, with too many variables, to enforce specific times or durations for any of the tasks outlined day to day. As with the entire series, these are more "guidelines than actual rules."
-During the times labeled "playtime" I usually try to keep any of my background tasks to a minimum (i.e. quickly unloading the dishwasher, etc.) and get down on the floor to interact with Baby J during his active hours. This is a great time for us to bond as well as a time to encourage activities that aid in his development (rolling over, learning to sit un-aided, crawl, etc.).
-I am very well aware of how unique a situation we have with Mr. J's work schedule, so obviously I don't expect this to be an accurate template for others, but it should give a general idea of how to break down a day into all the things you want to accomplish day to day.

Great way to keep track of what you have scheduled and when. Just use a dry erase marker to check off completed tasks and wipe away when it's time to start over!
I love your "clean a room a day" plan! I think I might have to implement that in my own scheduling. Also, thanks for the share of that nifty dry erase schedule, it is a great idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm attempting to be realistic and I know that it's nearly impossible to do a thorough clean of every room in the house every day. ESPECIALLY with Baby J at the 9 month, "I'm ready to question your authority" stage! Ha ha! So I do a basic tidying throughout the house daily and reserve the hard core stuff for once a week. It keeps everything moderately fresh without over taxing me.
DeleteAnd yes! I saw that on Pinterest and had to actually hunt down the original source and post. Thank you Girl Loves Glam!
I'm glad to see that Iam not the only one dealing with a husband on an odd schedule. It can be hard to get good scheduling ideas when you are not working around an average 9-5er!