You spend so much time taking care of the needs of your home and family as a homemaker that it's easy to forget that daddies need some one on one time too.
After working all day (or night, or both!), as wonderful as it is to come home to a tidy home with a tasty meal, it can be fairly lack luster if your spouse is too preoccupied and you end up "enjoying" it all alone.
Set aside time after work is done, the littles in bed, meals have been eaten, and the dishwasher is running just to sit together watch a few episodes of "How I Met Your Mother," play a game of cards, or just talk about your days. Even better, every once in awhile, line up a babysitter (thank goodness Grandma J lives less than a mile away from us!) and go out on a date!
Date nights serve as a good time to let go, have some fun, and reconnect as a couple. Let yourselves feel like newlyweds again and focus just on one another and why you two started on this crazy ride in the first place!
Great rule! I know that is something that I definitely need to work on!